Vzťah medzi roztomilou sovou a psíkom je nesmierne krásny, čo dokazujú aj fotografie


Sova Poldi sa vyliahla o 2 dni neskôr ako všetci jej súrodenci, takže bolo každému jasné, že toto malé, slabé zvieratko potrebuje osobitnú starostlivosť a pozornosť. Mala však veľké šťastie, pretože sa jej ujala rodina, no najmä psík. Aj keď je to možno prekvapivé, tak dvojica je neoddeliteľná. Ingo sa stal ochrancom a najlepším priateľom malej sovy. Obaja sú súčasťou rodiny Tanji Brandt, ktorá zdieľa ich spoločné fotografie na sociálnych sieťach. A sú skutočne prenádherné.

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Courage where we are afraid, Power where we are weak, Loyalty where we would betray ourselves… Trust that we have lost long before. Beauty where we find ourselves ugly, Not to be alone where we feel lonely… No prejudices where we have already presented ourselves with an opinion Common paths, where we have lost the sight of our goal …… …. thanks our animals !!! . ——— . Enjoy your day ❤️❤️❤️ . . ——————– Werbung, da Nennung #animal #animals #animalphotograpy #tier #tiere #trust #tierfotografie #nature #cute #beauty #bird #photooftheday #friend #owl #owls #bestbirdshots #owlsofinstagram #dog #dogs #dogslovers #dogsofinstagram #birds #friendship #friends #eizo #sirui #nikon #nikondeutschland #nikonphotography

A post shared by Tanja Brandt-Tierfotografie (@tanja_brandt) on

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That's how it all started… . On our construction site behind the house. Carefree… . What has remained is our trust in each other and our friendship. . And our memories… . At the moment I am inquiring about glasses for Ingo. We won't be really carefree outside anymore. Ingo with glasses and me with Bilbo Beutling hobble foot…. . But well, they always talked about us anyway. Let's give even more substance. And we are working on it that the owls will trust Ingo just as much, also with glasses …. . —————- . Werbung/Advertisement da Nennung #animal #animals #animalphotograpy #tier #tiere #friends #friendship #freundschaft #love #tierfotografie #dog #followme #dogsofinstagram #doglosvers #cute #bird #birds #owl #owls #eule #friend #friends #eulen #bestbirdshots #Eulen #eizo #sirui #nikon #nikonphotography #nikondeutschland

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Some people say dogs can't be gloating ??? . But look at Ingo ? . We have a tiny little pond with water lilies. Poldi always sat on the railing and looked at the water lilies. I told him, this is nothing for owls. He looked further and I said: nooooooo Poldi ? . And what does he do? ? . Flied off and wanted to land on the water lily leaves and ……. went down….. ??? . I pulled him out, soaking wet and put him to Ingo on the jetty? . Can dogs really not look gloatingly ?????? . ——————— . Werbung/Advertisement, da Nennung #animal #animals #beautifuldestinations #animalphotograpy #tier #tiere #friends #friendship #love #tierfotografie #cute #birds #owl #owls #eule #friend #friends #eulen #dog #dogs #dogsofinstagram #hundefotografie #malinois #bestbirdshots #eizo #sirui #nikon #nikonphotography #nikondeutschland

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I'm still working on my Photokina lecture at EIZO @eizoeurope . Ok, I work 5 minutes and then I play with the animals …laugh… ???? Every time I see this picture, I have to laugh? We were in a park and it was lunch break there in a big chemical plant. All employees walked through the park, the collars up and nobody saw the owl or Ingo or me….. It was like the time people in Momo…??? And Ingo had lots of picture ideas ????? ——– Werbung/Advertisement (sicherheitshalber) www.ingoundelse.de #animal #animals #animalphotograpy #tier #tiere #tierfotografie #dog #dogs #doglovers #malinois #cute #cutecouple #owl #owls #owlsofinstagram #eule #friend #friends #eulen #bestbirdshots #hund #hunde #Eulen #hundefotografie #friends #eizo #nikon #nikondeutschland #nikonphotography

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An old pic, we are in Netherlands in the moment. One time, I was outside with Ingo and Poldi (the little owl). A very old couple (think nearly 90 years old) came across. The lady took the hand of her husband and shouted: „ oh my god George. Oh my god. A real „Great owl“ ? Her husband said: „oh yeeeees. That we can see one as real in our lifetime …“? I said: „ äh NO. A great owl is soooo big (showed it with my hand).“ She creamed: „ oh my god George…. A real baby of a Great owl ….“ ????? —?—?—❤️ #animal #animals #animalphotograpy #tier #tiere #tierfotografie #owl #owls #owlsofinstagram #eule #eulen #dog #dogs #malinois #hund #hunde #hundefotografie #friends #freunde #eizo #nikon #nikondeutschland #nikophotography

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Zuzana Kostelníková
Ahojte, volám sa Zuzana, keďže ešte študujem na vysokej škole, presnejšie na fakulte verejnej správy, tak mám aj dostatok voľného času. Ten venujem najmä vám - čitateľom a to tým, že sa vám snažím prinášať tie najzaujímavejšie a najaktuálnejšie informácie z celého sveta, ale aj z domova. Okrem písania mi môj voľný čas zaberá motorka, mám rada šport, šoférovanie a ako každá žena milujem nakupovanie.
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